Makers Rule

Skills We Need

Game making is a high art form because it combines all art forms. We need your talent to make the next great game. Join today, and hang out until you see a game you want to get involved in.

flat screen monitor and black ceramic mug
flat screen monitor and black ceramic mug

All languages, all platforms, we need your tenacity and resourcefulness.

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Artists & Designers

From character to design to UI, we need your visions.

black flat screen computer monitor and black computer keyboard on brown wooden desk
black flat screen computer monitor and black computer keyboard on brown wooden desk
Audio Specialists

Music, SFX, Automation, and Voice recording. We need your ears.

woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Writers of Lore

Every good game has a story, even when not a word is spoken, worlds are created in words first. Lend us yours.


2D paper doll, 3D rigged, classic hand-drawn onion skin? Let's go!

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
3D modelers

This is an art in itself, sans drawing or animating if you wield a wicked lathe we need you.

high rise buildings during night time
high rise buildings during night time
Level Designers

Unsung hero, make this feeling last. We need your help to keep things interesting after level 99.

woman using black VR headset beside computer
woman using black VR headset beside computer
Play Testers

Play it, break it, play it, break it. Helps us break it and break it and break it.

gray concrete wall inside building
gray concrete wall inside building

Our mission

Crazy Cold Games crafts immersive gaming experiences, fostering a collaborative ecosystem where innovation and creativity meet to redefine indie game development and equitable revenue sharing.

Our vision

To become the leading collective where diverse game makers co-create, thrive, and revolutionize the gaming industry through community-driven, inclusive, and innovative practices.

*image from 'Out of this WOrld' by Delphine Software, 1991

We are a collective, not a company, most of us have FT roles in other places. Crazy Cold is an opportunity to make dreams come true, even if you can't or don't want to be a career game maker. Wanting to contribute to something novel, is a human desire we encourage fulfilling.